Saturday, March 26, 2011

I never was a technical person

When I began the program at Portnov Computer School, I never imagined that a short time later I would receive offers not from one, but two fantastic companies (and that they would be bidding against one another to hire me)! I am delighted to report that I have accepted an amazing position with Yahoo! I just finished my first day of work and discovered that I will be traveling abroad with my team! I can't wait!

If you are a prospective Portnov Computer School student who is wondering "Can I do this? I don't have a technical background and I'm not sure if I can get a job in this field...", believe me, YOU CAN DO IT!! I was one of the most "non-technical" students in my class, and now I am what is called a "Technichal Yahoo!" It's incredible.

Portnov Computer School is not only a school with great instructors who will teach you what you need to learn, but a family who will root for you and cheer you on during the internship and interview process. I believe that the energetic support that the staff at Portnov provides to their students is their greatest strength as a school. Sofia, Mikhail and Irena are dedicated to helping you get a job! In reality, it is not only a job, but the beginning of a successful career where you can advance quickly if you have the motivation and will!

Thank you Sofia, Mikhail and Irena!!!!! You guys are the greatest!!!

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